Cancer is Bad, I know this is first hand.

No one wants to hear that awful word, cancer, the big C, and you don't want to hear it about a relative or a friend, not even mean people. It is an illness that no one wants and no one wants anyone else to have. But it is a reality. We need to remember we go through the valley of the shadow of death, we don't stay there. Attitude is vital when facing any catastrophic illness or any distressing event in life. How we go through this can be our gift to others. I know that sounds corny but it is true. No one likes being around people who are grumpy and unhappy, I would image even those who are grumpy and unhappy don't even like being around themselves. It isn't easy at first, but with the grace of God we can be positive and remember this too shall pass. Sometimes I've thought it is easier to be the patient that those around me that don't know what to say or do to help me through Cancer.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Today is my first attempt at a Blog.

Life always has its ups and downs. It's just how things are. The best thing we can do is get through the rough patches as fast and as best we can and savor and enjoy those times when things are good. Everyone has problems of some sort. We just don't see them, we only see the parts of others that they allow us to see.

The purpose for this blog is to share my experiences with others in an effort to help them go through similar trials and health issues. It is my hope and my prayer that by reading some of these thoughts and experiences, it will help others go through these times a little easier. I am all about doing things as easy as possible. Not that cancer is an easy experience, because it certainly is not. Then again, neither is a major operation or a heart attack or stroke. The truth of the matter is, none of these things are pleasant. We don't choose to be sick, but we have a lot more choices than we might think. 

I hope that in reading some of my experiences that you will be able to see that you do have more choices than you think. You just have to decide to work on it and be vigilant.

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